Before and After

To extract teeth or not the extract teeth … that is the question!

Here at Budd Orthodontics, we recognize that nobody wants to have permanent teeth extracted as part of your orthodontic treatment. Dr. Budd’s and Dr. Yen's first choice is always to treat a case without extracting permanent teeth.

However, he also realizes that certain cases exhibit severe crowding and are best treated through the removal of teeth. Below are some examples of cases treated by Dr. Budd or Dr. Yen. For fun, try to figure out which ones had teeth removed.

This patient presented with a deep overbite, protrusive front teeth, and crowding. No teeth were extracted and SPEED braces were placed to correct the malocclusion.
This patient presented with severe decay on the lower first permanent molars. The patient’s dentist felt the long-term prognosis for these teeth was poor, so they were extracted and the spaces were closed with SPEED braces and Forsus springs. No teeth were extracted in the upper arch.
This patient presented with severe crowding on the upper and lower teeth, which caused the canines to erupt in a “fang-like” manner. Four permanent premolars were extracted and SPEED braces were placed to correct the malocclusion.
The patient presented with moderate-to-severe crowding and a narrow upper jaw. Palatal expansion and SPEED braces enabled us to correct the malocclusion with no extractions.
This patient presented with a narrow upper jaw and moderate-to-severe crowding. Palatal expansion and SPEED braces allowed us to correct the malocclusion with no extractions.
The patient presented with severe crowding on the upper and lower teeth, which caused the canines to erupt in a “fang-like” manner. Four permanent premolars were extracted and SPEED braces were placed to correct the malocclusion.
The patient presented with a small mandible and an excessive overjet. Twelve months of functional appliance therapy with a Twin Block reduced the overjet and produced a greatly improved profile.
This patient presented with an extremely narrow and V-shaped palate. Treatment with a bonded rapid palatal expander enabled us to increase the width of the upper jaw substantially and allowed us to create a more desirable U-shaped palate. As a result, the patient’s speech, function, and aesthetics were greatly improved.
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